My advice to any diplomat who wants to have a good press is to have two or three kids and a dog. Rowan, Carl
Most advice on child-rearing is sought in the hope that it will confirm our prior convictions. If the parent had wished to proceed in a certain way but was made insecure by opposing opinions of neighbors, friends, or relatives, then it gives him great comfort to find his ideas seconded by an expert. Bettelheim, Bruno
Never trust the advice of a man in difficulties. Aesop
No one ever injured their eyesight from looking on the bright side of things. Unknown
Sincere advice may offend the ear but is beneficial to one’s conduct. Chinese Proverb
The advice of their elders to young men is very apt to be as unreal as a list of the hundred best books. Holmes Jr., Oliver Wendell
The methodological advice to interpret in a way that optimizes agreement should not be conceived as resting on a charitable assumption about human intelligence that might turn out to be false. If we cannot find a way to interpret the utterances and other behaviour of a creature as revealing a set of beliefs largely consistent […]
When it comes to winning, you need the skill and the will. Tyger, Frank
Whoever gives advice to the sick gains a sense of superiority over them, no matter whether his advice is accepted or rejected. That is why sick people who are sensitive and proud hate their advisors even more than their illnesses. Nietzsche, Friedrich