In life, as in art, the beautiful moves in curves. Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Robert
Is there anything in the universe more beautiful and protective than the simple complexity of a spider’s web? White, E.B.
It is good that the young are beautiful; it is the only advantage they have. Duchess of Windsor
It is something to be able to paint a particular picture, or to carve a statue, and so to make a few objects beautiful; but it is far moreglorious to carve and paint the very atmosphere and medium through which we look, which morally we can do. To affect the quality of the day, that […]
It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are thoroughly alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger after them. Eliot, George
Let no man value at a little price a virtuous woman’s counsel; her winged spirit is feathered often times with heavenly words, and, like her beauty, ravishing and pure. Chapman
Love built on beauty, soon as beauty dies. Donne, John
Love that has nothing but beauty to keep it in good health is short lived, and apt to have ague fits. Erasmus
My heart that was rapt away by the wild cherry blossoms Kotomichi
No object is so beautiful that, under certain conditions, it will not look ugly. Wilde, Oscar
Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief she is beautiful. Loren, Sophia
Nothing’s beautiful from every point of view. Horace