Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself (I am large, I contain multitudes). Whitman, Walt
Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day. Christ, Jesus
Do not do unto others as you would that they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same. Shaw, George Bernard
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Do not have evil-doers for friends, do not have low people for friends: have virtuous people for friends, have for friends the best of men. Dhammapada, The
Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind. Buddha
Do not the most moving moments of our lives find us without words? Marceau, Marcel
Do not wait for extraordinary circumstances to do good action; try to use ordinary situations. Richter, Jean Paul
Do you know the difference between education and experience? Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don’t. Seeger, Pete
Do you think that you shall enter the Garden of Bliss without such trials as came to those who passed before you? Quran
Do you want me to tell you something really subversive? Love is everything it’s cracked up to be. That’s why people are so cynical about it. . . . It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don’t risk anything, you risk even more. Jong, […]